Frequently asked questions about holiday homes in Noordwijkerhout
What is the best time to visit Noordwijkerhout for a holiday home experience?

Noordwijkerhout is an all-year-round destination, but spring and summer are the most popular times to rent a Holiday home in Noordwijkerhout.

How can I get around Noordwijkerhout during my stay at a Belvilla holiday home?

The best way to get around Noordwijkerhout is by bike or on foot, which allows you to fully enjoy the scenic coastal routes.


What types of accommodation are offered by Belvilla in Noordwijkerhout?

Belvilla offers a range of accommodation options including apartments, holiday homes, and vacation homes in Noordwijkerhout in locations such as On the Park, Pet Friendly, Swimming Pool and By the Sea.


What are some of the activities to enjoy while staying at a holiday rental in Noordwijkerhout?

Guests staying at a holiday home in Noordwijkerhout can enjoy endless beaches, cycling trails, nature walks through the dunes, and water sports such as kite surfing and sailing.


What is the local cuisine like in Noordwijkerhout?

The local cuisine in Noordwijkerhout is heavily influenced by seafood, with dishes such as herring and smoked eel being must-tries. Visitors can also indulge in traditional Dutch snacks like bitterballen and stroopwafels.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020