Frequently asked questions about holiday in Hellendoorn
What attractions are available in Hellendoorn?

Hellendoorn is home to many attractions, such as the Avonturenpark Hellendoorn amusement park, the Wilerado Animal Park, the Delden Castle, and various other hiking trails and outdoor activities.

Are there holiday homes available to rent in Hellendoorn?

Yes, there are many holiday homes available to rent in Hellendoorn.

What type of accommodation is available in Hellendoorn?

Hellendoorn offers various types of accommodation, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, holiday homes, and camping sites.

Is there a variety of food and drinks available in Hellendoorn?

Yes, Hellendoorn has a wide variety of food and drink options, including traditional Dutch cuisine, international restaurants, pubs, cafes, and more.

What activities can visitors enjoy in Hellendoorn?

There are many activities to enjoy in Hellendoorn, such as amusement parks, animal parks, cycling, walking, sightseeing, museums, shopping, and more.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020