Frequently asked questions about holiday in Toulon
Where is Toulon located in France?

Toulon is located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of southeastern France.


What are the main attractions of Toulon?

Toulon features a rich history and culture, stunning seaside locations, plenty of activities, amazing restaurants, and vibrant nightlife.

What type of accommodation is available in Toulon?

Toulon offers a variety of accommodation options, including hotels, villas, apartments, guest houses, and holiday homes.

What activities can I do in Toulon?

There are plenty of activities to enjoy in Toulon, ranging from water sports, such as sailing and kayaking, to sightseeing, shopping, and visiting local markets and museums.

What are the best places to eat in Toulon?

Toulon is home to a wide range of restaurants, serving up everything from traditional Provençal dishes to international cuisine. Some of the best places to eat in Toulon include the Terrazzina Beach Club, Les Ardoises de l'Oustaou, and La Table de la Tour Fondue.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020