Frequently asked questions about holiday in Roquebrun
Where is Roquebrun located?

Roquebrun is located in the Herault region of Southern France.

What activities are available in the area?

There are activities available for all ages, from outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking and rockclimbing to cultural activities such as visiting local heritage sites and exploring the nearby towns.

What type of accommodation is available in Roquebrun?

There are a variety of vacation rental options available in Roquebrun including villas, apartments, cottages, and holiday homes.

Are there activities for children?

Yes, there are plenty of family-friendly activities available such as swimming in the local rivers, exploring nearby forests and parks, and visiting local attractions.


What is the best time to visit Roquebrun?

The best time to visit Roquebrun is in the spring and summer months when the weather is warmer and the days are longer.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020