Frequently asked questions about holiday in Marseilles
What is the best time to visit Marseilles for a holiday?

The best time to visit Marseilles for a holiday is in the months of April to October when the weather is ideal for outdoor activities, sightseeing, and enjoying the city's cultural attractions.


What type of accommodation is available in Marseilles?

There is a wide variety of accommodations available in Marseilles, including hotel rooms, apartments, holiday homes, bed and breakfasts, camping sites, and self-catering accommodations.

What activities can I do while on holiday in Marseilles?

There are a variety of activities to enjoy in Marseilles, ranging from cultural attractions such as the Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica and the Musée d'Histoire de Marseille to outdoor activities like kayaking and swimming at the beaches.

What are some of the most popular attractions in Marseilles?

Some of the most popular attractions in Marseilles include the Old Port, La Vieille Charité, and the Villa Romaine Museum.

Are there any holiday homes available in Marseilles?

Yes, there are a number of holiday homes available for rent in Marseilles. These range from luxurious villas to smaller apartments and can accommodate various group sizes.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020