Frequently asked questions about holiday in Lacanau
What is the best time to visit Lacanau?

 The best time to visit Lacanau is between June and September when the weather is warm and the days are longer.


What activities can I do while holidaying in Lacanau?

A variety of activities can be enjoyed while visiting Lacanau, including swimming, surfing, golf, horse-riding and cycling.

Are there holiday homes to rent in Lacanau?

Yes, there are holiday homes in Lacanau that can be rented for short or long stays.

What is the cost of renting a holiday home in Lacanau?

The cost of renting a holiday home in Lacanau varies and depends on the size of the home, its location, the time of year and the amenities offered.

What kind of cuisine is available in Lacanau?

Lacanau offers a wide range of traditional French cuisine, with local restaurants serving seafood, steak and classic French dishes.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020