Frequently asked questions about holiday in Sankt Vith
What attractions can be found in Sankt Vith?

Sankt Vith offers various attractions, including a ski resort, climbing gym, castle, museums, and outdoor recreational activities.




What types of accommodation are available in Sankt Vith?

Sankt Vith offers a variety of accommodation options, ranging from hotels and resorts to holiday homes and apartments.

What is the cost of a holiday in Sankt Vith?

The cost of a holiday in Sankt Vith will depend on the type of accommodation and duration of stay, also the activities and experiences that you decide to book.

How can I get to Sankt Vith?

Sankt Vith can be reached by car, train, or bus. It is also possible to fly to Liege airport, which is approximately one hour away.

Are there any special events held in Sankt Vith?

Sankt Vith hosts a variety of annual events, including the Sankt Vith Christmas Market, the Sankt Vith Marathon, and the Sankt Vith Summer Festival.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020