Frequently asked questions about holiday in Sankt Anton Am Arlberg
What activities are available nearby?

Various activities are available nearby, including skiing, hiking, biking, rafting, and more.


What amenities are included at the holiday home?

Amenities at the holiday home vary depending on the specific property but typically include fully-equipped kitchens, private parking, and Wi-Fi.

Is the holiday home suitable for families?

Yes, holiday homes in Sankt Anton Am Arlberg are suitable for families with children of all ages.

Are there restaurants and shops nearby?

There are numerous restaurants and shops within walking distance of most holiday homes.

What are the main attractions in Sankt Anton Am Arlberg?

The main attractions in Sankt Anton Am Arlberg include skiing and snowboarding on its world-renowned slopes, hiking and biking on the surrounding trails and through the town, and various outdoor activities such as rafting, climbing, and fishing.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020