Frequently asked questions about holiday in Mauterndorf
What attractions are available in Mauterndorf?

Mauterndorf has a wide variety of attractions, ranging from its medieval castle and brewery to its numerous skiing, hiking and biking trails. Visitors can also take in a beautiful view of the Austrian Alps from the castle's viewpoint.


What is the best way to get to Mauterndorf?

Mauterndorf is easily accessible by car, with the nearest airport being Salzburg Airport, which is a 2-hour drive away. It is also possible to get to Mauterndorf by bus or train from most major cities in Austria.

What type of holiday homes are available in Mauterndorf?

Mauterndorf has a wide range of holiday homes, from luxury chalets to traditional Austrian farmhouses. There are also several hotels and guesthouses available for those who do not wish to rent a holiday home.

What activities are available for families in Mauterndorf?

Mauterndorf is a great family destination, with activities such as snow sports, hiking, bike trails, and even a small zoo. There are also many restaurants and shops in the area, as well as a swimming pool, mini golf course, and an adventure playground.

Are there any cultural events in Mauterndorf?

Yes, Mauterndorf hosts a variety of cultural events throughout the year, including folklore performances, medieval markets, and music festivals. There is also an annual summer solstice celebration in the city.

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