Half-timbered cottage from 1894 with thatched roof and room for 2 families wishing to spend the holiday together. Settlement of energy consumption, cleaning and deposit must be made on site. On the groundfloor you have the pool room with a swimming pool (18 m²). Just next to this room you have the fitness room with exercise bike and sauna - nice to have after a day filled with many different activities and experiences. There is a living room both on the ground floor and the first floor, and sitting by the fireplace in the living room is cosy when it is cold outside. The cottage is ideal for the family appreciating much space. The big, quiet natural plot has a swing and a sand pit. This is a place where the childen can enjoy themselves.
The nearst neighbour is far away, and Horsens Fiord is approx. 1 km away - excursion opportunities are numerous - for instance go visiting the fabulous world of Legoland - great experience for all ages.