This large cottage of no less than 487 m2 with whirlpool and sauna as well as activity room with table football, table tennis and game console is located in nature close to Lübker Golf by Nimtofte. The house is furnished on 2 levels with kitchen and utility room, eight bedrooms and common room of 80 m2. There are two bathrooms, one with a bathtub and the other with a whirlpool. There are 2 high chairs, 2 cots, 2 dishwashers and 2 barbecues in the house. There is DAB radio with bluetooth that allows you to play your own music. There is also Boxer TV. The house is built in the absolute best materials and has a location completely out of the ordinary. The house is heated by pellet stove.
It is possible for the children to frolic on the associated grounds. There is outdoor chess and a fire pit. There are absolutely good opportunities for peace and quiet as the house is away from noise and traffic. The property is close to Lübker Golf and Djurs Sommerland. A good idea could be to bring your own bikes, as the house is close to many bike routes. Not for rent to youth groups.